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> Найдено сообщений: 10
luigi Отправлено: 3 августа 2009 — 19:57 • Тема: Мод: Динамическая проверка регистрационной формы (на Ajax) • Форум: Модификации и дополнения

Ответов: 60
Просмотров: 52906
sorry, but English is not my native language (I am Italian) and I can read Russian only with Google translator.
luigi Отправлено: 3 августа 2009 — 14:22 • Тема: Мод: Динамическая проверка регистрационной формы (на Ajax) • Форум: Модификации и дополнения

Ответов: 60
Просмотров: 52906

luigi Отправлено: 3 августа 2009 — 13:18 • Тема: Мод: Динамическая проверка регистрационной формы (на Ajax) • Форум: Модификации и дополнения

Ответов: 60
Просмотров: 52906
Well!! many thanks for Your reply.

I hope You can translate my incorrect post in Russian and control my code
luigi Отправлено: 3 августа 2009 — 10:28 • Тема: Мод: Динамическая проверка регистрационной формы (на Ajax) • Форум: Модификации и дополнения

Ответов: 60
Просмотров: 52906
/!\ Последнюю версию мода (доработанную, на русском языке) Вы можете найти здесь!


to check registration form in real time (with AJAX), make this change:

in the front of agreed.tpl add this code:

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function checkUsername(username,area) {
JsHttpRequest.query('jsloader.php?loader=verify', {action: area, value: username}, function(data,text) {
}, false);

function checkPassword(password,area) {
JsHttpRequest.query('jsloader.php?loader=verify', {action: area, value: password}, function(data,text) {
}, false);

function checkMail(email,area) {
JsHttpRequest.query('jsloader.php?loader=verify', {action: area, value: email}, function(data,text) {
}, false);


and change the input line of username, password and e-mail, so:

<td class="profilright"><input onblur="checkUsername(this.value,'username');" type="text" style="width: 200px" size="35" maxlength="20" name="inmembername">&nbsp;<span id="checkusername"></span></td>

<td class="profilright"><input onblur="checkPassword(this.value,'password');" type="text" size="20" name="password" maxlength="16">&nbsp;<span id="checkpassword"></span></td>

<td class="profilright"><input onblur="checkMail(this.value,'email');" type="text" name="emailaddress" style="width: 200px" size="20" maxlength="255"> &nbsp;<span id="checkmail"></span></td>

In the jsloader.php, found

if ($fm->input['loader'] === 'karma'){

and replace with

if ($fm->input['loader'] === 'verify'){

if ($fm->input['action'] === 'username') {

if ($fm->input['value'] == '') {
echo "<img src='./images/wrong.png' border='0'>&nbsp;<span class='warning'>".$fm->LANG['ErrUsernameEmpty']."</span>";

$allusers = $fm->_Read('./data/users.php',FALSE);
$user_id = 0;
foreach ($allusers as $u_id=>$info) {
if ($fm->input['value'] == $info['n']) {
$user_id = $u_id;
$_RESULT["error"] = 0;
if ($user_id != 0) echo "<img src='./images/wrong.png' border='0'>&nbsp;<span class='warning'>".$fm->LANG['ErrUsernameUsed']."</span>";
else echo "<img src='./images/ok.png' border='0'>&nbsp;<span class='ok'>".$fm->LANG['ErrUsernameOk']."</span>";

} elseif ($fm->input['action'] === 'email') {
if ($fm->_Chek_Mail('value') === FALSE) echo "<img src='./images/wrong.png' border='0'>&nbsp;<span class='warning'>".$fm->LANG['ErrEmailWrong']."</span>";
else echo "<img src='./images/ok.png' border='0'>&nbsp;<span class='ok'>".$fm->LANG['ErrEmailOk']."</span>";

} elseif ($fm->input['action'] === 'password') {
if (strlen($fm->input['value']) < 6 ) echo "<img src='./images/wrong.png' border='0'>&nbsp;<span class='warning'>".$fm->LANG['ErrPasswordWrong']."</span>";
else echo "<img src='./images/ok.png' border='0'>&nbsp;<span class='ok'>".$fm->LANG['ErrPasswordOk']."</span>";

} elseif ($fm->input['loader'] === 'karma'){

add this to style.css

.warning {color: red;}
.ok {color: green;}

add this line to lang_front_all.php

$this->LANG['ErrUsernameOk'] = 'Username available';
$this->LANG['ErrUsernameUsed'] = 'Username already used by other user';
$this->LANG['ErrUsernameEmpty'] = 'Username MUST be filled!';

$this->LANG['ErrEmailOk'] = 'E-mail OK';
$this->LANG['ErrEmailWrong'] = 'E-mail not valid !';

$this->LANG['ErrPasswordOk'] = 'valid password';
$this->LANG['ErrPasswordWrong'] = 'password not valid';

Here a demo:

This is a screenshot:
luigi Отправлено: 31 июля 2009 — 10:39 • Тема: Мод: Антиспам для гостей при создании тем и сообщений • Форум: Модификации и дополнения

Ответов: 27
Просмотров: 28296
with this code:


<script language="javascript">
function reloadimage() {
var currentTime = new Date()



<div style="float:left;"><img id="captcha" src="regimage.php" border="0" alt="captcha"></div><div style="vertical-align:middle;" class="button"><input type="button" value="{$fm->LANG['CaptchaReload']}" onClick="reloadimage()" /></div>
<br><br><br><input type="text" name="captcha" size="13" maxlength="10">

it's possible to reload only the Captcha image and not all page
luigi Отправлено: 27 июля 2009 — 13:36 • Тема: A clone of ExBB FM 1.0 RC1 • Форум: Локализация

Ответов: 7
Просмотров: 9050
Some screenshots of my distribution are here:

luigi Отправлено: 4 июля 2009 — 07:42 • Тема: A clone of ExBB FM 1.0 RC1 • Форум: Локализация

Ответов: 7
Просмотров: 9050
yura3d пишет:
How to download?

At this time, no download yet

yura3d пишет:
It's good, but there are cosmetic changes, in common

Not all: some modification allow to simply the writing of new skins or mod

yura3d пишет:
Some my mods in your version have copyright ...
.... you must use original copyright:

Thanks for Your note e dubugging: I will change in the next hours
yura3d пишет:
Another bug, 2 pages per one

Your browser is Opera ?
luigi Отправлено: 4 июля 2009 — 06:54 • Тема: A clone of ExBB FM 1.0 RC1 • Форум: Локализация

Ответов: 7
Просмотров: 9050
Hi guys,

(sorry for my english, but is not my native language)

On the website

i have published a clone of ExBB FM RC 1.0, with support for English and Italian language.

At this moment is only a beta release, but I think, can be developed more and more.

In this clone I have semplified the root and all folder of data (with rights to write) are included in a ONLY folder DATA.

More features:

- I have modified the admin control panel; now is completely separate from the in general front;
- I have made by a parameter the position/name of all the folder (so that to be able to modify her without problems);
- the preview of the images attached too much great, proposes now a thumbs with the dimensions and if the user click on it, the imahe is displayedwhole, making use of the library ClearBox;
luigi Отправлено: 1 июня 2009 — 10:33 • Тема: PSD file for translation • Форум: Обсуждение

Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 3745
Is possibile to download the PSD original images of buttons ?
luigi Отправлено: 1 июня 2009 — 10:30 • Тема: Italian version ? • Форум: Обсуждение

Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 34932

where I can found an italian translation ?

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ExBB FM 1.0 RC1 by TvoyWeb.ru
InvisionExBB Style converted by Markus®

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